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Minibeats lets people play with songs, starting on Snapchat

Snapchat has a new music feature, although it comes from an external company called Minibeats, a spin-off from music-creation startup Artiphon.

It describes itself as an ‘AR music creation platform’ that is starting by using Snapchat’s AR lenses feature to help fans play with songs. Killboy, Alice Glass, Taetro and Phil Good are the first four artists to test it out, with lenses that enable people to interact with their tracks.

The key here is that these are paid lenses (a new feature for Snapchat) with Minibeats sharing 50% of its revenues with its artist partners.

The company is describing this as a “teaser version” in advance of a full, standalone app that will offer more of these features, and is looking for more artists and labels to work with for that.